About Us
WHO IS BEHIND AROUND THE WORLD SEQUENCES - My name is Jeremy Poling and my wife and I are the owners of ATWS and like you, each year we turn our house into a dazzling display of lights for all to see.

OUR INSPRIRATION - Inspired by our experience designing sequences for the great xLights Around The World project in 2022. And from the feedback we were given by so many, in January 2023 we started Around The World Sequences.

THE XATW (xLights Around The World) PROJECT - The project brings a whole community of xLights users around a single video project to highlight as many light show houses (using xLights) as possible all around the world.
OUR EXPERIENCE SEQUENCING - Sequencing in xLights at first, was a very frustrating experience for us. We struggled with timing, color selection, choice of song and much more. But even with all that frustration, we knew xLights was something we could use to really express our creative side.
Jeremy, armed with a very specific set of skills (attention deficit disorder (extreme focus), hyper criticism of his work (highly critical) , and a passion for music of all types (audio enthusiast) we realized he was the right guy for the job.
Jeremy has spent endless hours refining his skills in xLights to produce best in class dynamic sequences. We would consider it a great honor to have our sequence displayed on your home whether your just starting or, you are a seasoned veteran.
Thank you for stopping by and please feel free to reach out with any questions, comments or concerns. We appreciate the opportunity to earn your trust and your business.